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Fulkerson - Stevenson Funeral Home

Clay Brooke Left Hand
8.31.1994 - February 8, 2024

Place of Birth: Watford CIty, North Dakota
Residence: Bismarck, North Dakota
Age: 29

Paula Gayton (Kenel , SD)
Feb 10, 2024
I was saddened to hear of my niece's passing. She was once close with my daughter Lexi when they were younger. Her father Delyle is my first cousin. I often wondered where Clay Brooke was. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with her family..I loved this little beautiful girl. May you rest in peace Clay Brooke..
Layton Left Hand (Aberdeen, South Dakota)
Feb 12, 2024
I'm still in shock that this has happened. So many years has past and so many things we've missed out on. Today I found a picture I took of you and Kayton Left Hand when you two were little. Tell Grandma Faye Left Hand up in heaven that I missed her so much. The Left Hand family has another angel watching over us all.
Laura White Owl (U.S., U.S.A.)
Feb 13, 2024
Deepest sympathy an condolences for the family of Clay.

Laura White Owl
Kayton lefthand (Kenel s.d, S d)
Feb 13, 2024
Us on horseback @ lefthand ranch
Ima miss you forever my sister girl.