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Fulkerson - Stevenson Funeral Home

Dennis Eugene Lokken
5.10.1942 - July 13, 2018

Place of Birth: Noonan, ND
Residence: Sidney, MT
Age: 76

Tammy Linder (Sidney, Montana)
Jul 17, 2018
I was so sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family. God's peace be with you all. Tammy Linder
Wendy Johnson
Jul 17, 2018
So sorry to hear of Dennis' passing. I worked with Dennis at the Research Center, he was always a joy to be around. May your memories carry you through the tough times ahead. God's peace to you all.
Robert Westlie (Minot, N.D.)
Jul 17, 2018
Sorry to hear of Dennis passing.I just talked to his Brother Gary thurs.and told him to give Dennis my best.Dennis and I were best friends in our High School Days.MAY HE REST IN PEACE!!
Cathy Satra (Great Falls,, Montana)
Jul 19, 2018
Dear Lynn and family, I was sad to hear about Dennis moving on. I'm certain he will be greatly missed. In time I pray this void will be filled with healing memories. For example: I never heard Dennis say, "Pass the salad please." I also never heard him say a cross word to or about anyone. I will remember Dennis as a very kind man. All of you wonderful people are in my thoughts and prayers - especially now. I had hoped to attend Dennis' memorial but I'm sorry to say something came up. May you walk in Peace. With Love and Big Hugs, an old neighbor and friend, Cathy