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Fulkerson - Stevenson Funeral Home

Signe "Dixie" O Reeves
8.27.1920 - November 20, 2016

Place of Birth: Alexander, ND
Residence: Billings, MT formally of Alexander, ND
Age: 96

Erin Dickey (Billings, MT)
Nov 3, 2018
I don’t know if anyone will read this as so much time has passed but I wanted to say how much Dixie meant to me. I was a little girl who lived down the street for only a few years on Green Terrace Drive and my little brother and I LOVED Dixie and Bill. We would always ask to go over to “Bill and Dixie’s” to play I am now 37 and it’s been probably 30 years since I saw her because we moved away. But I will always remember her fondly and how sweet she was to us. She treated us like grandchildren and had such a loving caring heart. Their names popped up into my mind and so I decided to see if there was anything online about either of them. I am so sorry for your loss and to find that I didn’t get to tell them how much of an impact they made on me just by being kind.